In recent years, contactless sensors have gained popularity for contactless physiological signal detection leading to novel innovations in human activity and behavior analysis, authentication, scene analysis, anomaly detection, and many other related tasks. The tremendous advancements in high-performance sensors, as well as the rapid growth in computation power, have made possible to acquire and analyze contactless sensor data for real-time applications. The field is also flourished with a multitude of techniques and methods for improved efficiency, higher accuracy and faster computation in recent times. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the past and recent research works associated with different contactless sensors focusing on human activity analysis including recent techniques from the areas of artificial intelligence, deep learning, and Human-Computer Interaction. It also sheds light on advanced application areas and futuristic research topics such as contactless activity analysis in healthcare, activity recognition on smart mobile devices and driver and pedestrian behavior analysis for autonomous driving. It is expected that the systematic analysis of the state-of-the-art techniques covered in this book will help to further our understanding of the current state and future potential of contactless human activity research.
Some accepted papers from the 4th Int. Conf. on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (IVPR), JP, 2020 will be invited!
Human Activity Recognition, Sensor-based Activity Analysis, Contactless Sensors, Wearable Sensors, Healthcare, Deep Learning, Biomedical Signals, Big Data
Under IVPR - please add Title [start the TITLE with "BOOK CHAPTER for CHAA: ... "], Abstract, all authors with proper names and emails.
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Table of Contents (tentative - so you are welcome to propose a chapter)
- Introduction on Contactless Activity Analysis
- Activity Recognition - Various Paradigms
- Contactless Activity Analysis - Different Modalities
- Signal Processing in Contactless Monitoring
- Sensors and Devices for Contactless Monitoring
- Wearable vs. Contactless Devices and Approaches
- Biomedical Radar and Antenna Systems for Contactless Monitoring
- Application Domains on Contactless Activity Analysis: Present & Future
- Monitoring Activities and Vital Signs
- Contactless Monitoring in Healthcare Sectors
- Ambient Assisted Living and Smarthomes - Impact on Contactless Analysis
- Emotion Analysis [camera-based or ...]
- Gait Analysis [as video-based mainly - so...]
- Fall-down Prediction and Detection
- BodyScan: Analysis of this System
- Mobile Phones on Healthcare and Activity Analysis
- Pedestrian activity analysis for autonomous driving
- Challenges in Data Transfer, Security in Contactless Analysis and
- Other Related Challenges Ahead!
Md Atiqur Rahman Ahad, PhD, SMIEEE
Professor, University of Dhaka, BD | Specially Appointed Assoc. Professor, Osaka University, JP
Upal Mahbub, PhD
Senior Engineer, Qualcomm Technologies Inc., San Diego, California, USA.
Tauhidur Rahman, PhD
Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA http://mosaic.cs.umass.edu
Contact [please make the email's subject as: 'CHAA book: ']
atiqahad [_ATmark_] du DOT ac DOT bd
upalmahbub [_ATmark_] yahoo DOT com
trahman [_ATmark_] cs DOT umass DOT edu