On a Secure Steganography Approach with Increased Capacity and Security
Aqsa Rashid, National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan
Nadeem Salamat, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, Pakistan
V. B. Surya Prasath, University of Cincinnati, USA
The data security in the digital communication is the major issue in
this technological era. There are lots of methods and protocols used for
secure communication, steganography is one of them. In this paper, we
present the χ Secure Crypto-Stego System for secure communication. A
common 256 bits random key is used at the encryption and embedding
phase. The entropy and joint image histograms are used for the evaluation
of security measure for the method. Experiments were performed
with different embedding rate in the selected cover data set of images.
The results that we achieved, are the proof of the fact that the proposed
scheme is a good contribution in the scientific community in the field of
Information hiding.
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